Sunday, March 16, 2008

Weekend report

2 workouts this weekend...

First, I did the Pharr Chapel United Methodist 5K run on Saturday morning. It's run in memory of Dr. Edward Askew, a very well-respected Morgan City physician. Ms. Elaine, his wife, was at the event cheering everyone on - she's one of the sweetest people I know. I ran the race with my 15 year old daughter Catherine because she wanted me to pace her. We were very pleased with our time of 21:15 - Catherine was the first overall female. In a small town like ours, you know EVERYONE at the event. Really...E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E. It's really cool.

Today, I did my first bike in a while. I rode 30 miles from Morgan City to Belle River with my wife Lisa, and our friends Beth and Corey. Lisa took a picture of us at our start - see below. It was a really nice day, except for the wind. It was somewhat of a cross-breeze, so we had to deal with it both ways. My Vision Quest coach Dan is trying to get me ready for the Crescent City Classic next weekend, so he had a longer run scheduled for me this weekend. He was very accommodating when I let him know about these events I had planned, and gave me pointers about how I could still fit them into my 10K preparation - he's awesome.

You know, what's so awesome about these events is that, not only are you staying healthy and getting fit, but you're socializing with other people and pushing each other to get better. How cool is that?


Stef0115 said...

Sounds like a good weekend of workouts. GREAT time on the 5k, congratulations to you and your daughter!

TriCajun said...

Thanks, Stef!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like he needs to pick it up a bit on the 5k, If he can't break 20 minutes, man.... I don't know what to say. You were definitely holding the girl back.

From: The slacker in Youngsville.

TriCajun said...

Hey, anonymous slacker in Youngsville - mind your own business!!

And tell Jacqueline hello for me.