Well the Atchafalya River between Morgan City and Berwick is at flood stage. According to weather.com, flood stage is 4.0 feet - the river is currently at 6.5 feet. It's expected to crest at 7.5 feet Tuesday morning. The above picture is of the protective sea wall with an opening called a flood gate that is closed if the river rises. The picture below is on top of the sea wall, showing Front Street in Morgan City on the left, and the swollen river over the pier on the right - the flood gates are all closed.

This week has been difficult as far as training goes.
Coach Dan has a nice organized 10.5 hour plan for me this week, trying to get me ready for the Gulf Coast Tri 70.3 next month, but life keeps getting in the way. My wife Lisa and I are building a house, and we're the general contractors. This week we've had contractors working on painting, trim work, and driveways, and I've been working on building a custom shower. I've gotten a lot of the workouts in, but will have to play "catch up" over the next few days and miss my usual Sunday off.
Lisa, the girls, and I are all doing the
Holy Cross Elementary Springfest 10K on Saturday. There's also a 5K and a 1 mile run. We're all really looking forward to it. I'll be running with our 2 youngest girls and their friends.
My closest available pool for training is at a YMCA in Houma, LA, which is about 40 minutes away. I'm planning to swim there tomorrow night after work - Dan has me scheduled for 3000 yards. The kids usually come along and swim while I train. Saturday we're doing the 10K. Sunday I will be biking with a group for 2.5 hours - the forecast for Sunday is awesome, sunny with a high of 69. Busy weekend. I'm on call also for our group - call is usually not very busy, but it can add a twist here and there.
Congratulations to Jeff Wrigley and Steve Stenzel, co-winners of the
GYGO! Drymax Challenge. Check out
Wil's blog to see the details.