I was very disturbed all weekend about the triathlete in San Diego who was attacked and killed by a great white shark during an open water swim.
Building a house continues to compete heavily with training. The house should be done within the next month or so, and should free up some hours.
Your life is packed full. Enjoy it!!
This was my first half last year, and I loved it. I love Panama City Beach. It was hot that day, but being from LA shouldn't bother you a bit if it's the same this year. Good luck!
I'm doing EVERYTHING in the book to make sure you have your complete bike on time. Thanks to Chris for the bulk of the work. :)
Yeah, the recent shark attack bothered me too, as did the ones a few years ago in the Panama Beach area when I was prepping for IMFL. But they're so rare, really. No one thinks twice about still driving a car despite the chances of getting killed doing so are magnitudes higher.
Wanna meet up for the GCT pasta dinner? I'm planning to arrive Friday, hopefully by 3-4pm.
Thanks, Kayvee - I'm hoping for temperate weather.
Shirley, we'd love to meet up with you - I sent you an email.
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