Friday, July 25, 2008

Steelhead prep

Last week was 13.5 hours. This week's a little easier at 11.5 hours. I'm very thankful that my body has tolerated this training schedule without significant injury. Hope I didn't just jinx myself.

Goal for Steelhead. Hmmmm. A Steelhead PR would be nice - that's under 7:50. A 70.3 PR would be nicer - that's under 6:40. I would love to finish Steelhead comfortably enough to feel that IM Florida in November is attainable.

I feel that I've gotten stronger under Coach Dan's guidance. I definitely feel faster on The Bike (it's really not me, I think it's The Bike). I'm LOVING training with power - I think it's really going to help me save some of my legs for the run. My running is pretty stable. My swim is probably my weakest - needs work before November. I also have to buckle down my nutrition - I'm getting a lot better at it, though.

My daughters are all in a tennis tournament this weekend at Franco's in Mandeville, Louisiana. I'm taking The Bike up there to try to squeeze in my 2 hour ride somewhere between matches. I'll try to recruit one of them or my wife to do the 35 minutes run off with me.

We've moved into our new house, but still living among boxes. It takes so much time to get situated! We'll get there...


Tracy said...

I hear you on squeezing those big rides in. You're going to be awesome out there! Can't wait to see ya next week!


Best of luck to Team Evotri next weekend!

Lula's mom said...

kick some butt @ steelhead! Remember positive affirmations..."I am a STRONG swimmer!!!!"

Michelle said...

It's not just the bike; it's the dude riding it! See you soon!