Sunday, September 28, 2008

Weekend training

I had a big training weekend, with November 1 fast approaching.

Saturday morning, I biked my second century. I rode 60 miles with my friend Clay, then the last 40 on my own. My bike course is an out and back, and there was a head wind on the way out, tail wind back in - definitely how I prefer it. My legs didn't bother me at all, but my neck was killing me from looking up out of aero position. About mile 80, my body let me know loud and clear that it needed some food. I'll definitely have to be more aware of my intake during IM to not get too far behind on calories. I got home and shovelled dirt in the yard for 3 hours, trying to get the yard level for sod. Then I showered and watched some LSU football - Go Tigers!

Today I did an OWS with some friends in the bayou. We did 3 laps that were each .66 miles. The water is starting to get cold now, so I wore my wetsuit for the first time to try to get used to it. It was so encouraging - it's amazing what a difference it makes in my swim times. It was really nice to get a 2 mile swim in.

Planning a long run tomorrow...


Simeon of Kent said...

Wow, shovelling dirt for three hours after a century ride is true endurance training...

Anonymous said...

I'm proud of all of your hard work, Charlie!


Steve Stenzel said...

Wow, what a solid 3 days of workouts! INCLUDING dirt shoveling! Have a good run!

Anonymous said...

Just lurking again...Steve from IN.

Michelle said...

My first year of training for IM, I used to get neck and low back fatigue. I questioned if it was the bike fit. But, the next year it was better. Same fit. It wasn't the bike. I just needed to develop my core and get more used to the position. I bet that will happen for you at some point.