We travelled to Reynosa with a group from the Methodist church here in Morgan City. There were 2 physicians - me and another physician from Mexico. We saw patients the whole time - over 100 patients each day that we worked. We treated many different conditions - colds, hypertension, diabetes, worms, lice, headaches, rashes, back aches. One elderly woman was very sick with pneumonia - we had to make special arrangements for her treatment. We take so much for granted here in the U.S.
Other members of the team did other jobs - dispensed medications, took blood pressures/blood sugars, translated, cut hair, held babies, etc. There's a long line to be seen by the doctor, so Signe entertained children with coloring books and fingernail polish. She was a tremendous help to the team wherever she was needed, especially in the pharmacy.
It's always quite a bit of juggling to do to arrange to go on a mission trip. Getting off work/out of school, travel arrangements, passport, travel shots, packing, etc. I also get a little apprehensive travelling outside of the U.S. with terrorism, anti-U.S. sentiments, kidnappings, especially when I've brought my young daughter along. I come home from the trip really exhausted from the work that we've done.
But as tired as I am, as much work as it is, I feel so good about what we've done. It feels so right to do this work. I learn so much about life on these trips. I feel like I owe this and so much more, given the many blessings in my life.
What a wonderful thing to do! These days it seems that most people are too busy to think of doing such a thing (myself included) but I think the time you spent with your daughter and the impact you made on others is priceless. Kudos!
You guys just continue to astound me. I know you've done these trips before, but each time I hear about one, I'm more impressed.
This is certainly something that we need a lot more of in this world.
We miss you all up here in the frozen north! 12 below outside as I type this!
I'm with Shirley and William - your kind actions and love shine in a world that has so much hate!!! Cool stuff from a cool guy.
That is awesome Charlie! Truly a worthwhile endeavor. The life lessons your daughter probably has learned can't be measured. Not to mention the benefits you've brought to others lives.
That's awesome!! I went to Honduras to work in an orphanage when I was 17 - unforgettable!!
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