Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Mardi Gras Marathon

My second daughter Anne Lee is now officially a marathoner at age 15. She was awesome!!

Kirstie, my oldest daughter Catherine, and Katelyn were rock star race volunteers!

Lisa and I are so incredibly proud of Anne Lee!!


Michelle said...

I'm about ready to cry! How does she feel about the whole experience now that a few days have passed? I hope she thinks she totally rocks!

ShirleyPerly said...

Wow!! That's an amazing accomplishment for someone so young. Congrats to everyone who ran and also the volunteers!

Simeon of Kent said...

What a fabulous achievement, I'm very happy for you all. Or should I say "y'all?" I'm still learning your colonial dialects...

Anonymous said...

awesome; a huge congrats to her. see what a good influence you are??

Pharmie said...

Wow, that's amazing! I hope she is as proud of yerself as you and Lisa are proud of her :)

Anonymous said...

are you training for the no1/2?

Michelle Denning said...

That is so AWESOME! I wish I could do that! you are great with a capital G Ann Lee! love you, Michelle and Sean

Trisaratops said...

Congratulations, Anne Lee! That is amazing!

Steve Stenzel said...

THAT'S AWESOME!! Congrats to her, to you, and to everyone!! SO COOL!!!

Your family is adorable!!